substrate-free grid optics
for the infrared



LASNIX offers since 1984 unique infrared components: free-standing metal grids to control polarization and power of laser beams up to high power. Their unique value is that - due to the missing substrate - the transmitted beam is neither offset nor deviated.

Both diffractive and sub-diffractive grids are tailored for specific applications spanning the infrared-to-THz range (0.5 - 1200 µm wavelength).

801 IR-VIS Neutral-Density Attenuators
  • NEW: IR-VIS Neutral-Density Attenuators
    The proprietary LASNIX diffraction technology enables precise attenuation over multi-octave wavelength bands. In the new compact Model 801, four switchable, phase-maintaining neutral-density filters, flat from 500 nm to 15 µm, attenuate 0.5, 1, 2, or 3 OD up to 100 W. They are ideal for precise beam-quality and level control in ultra-broadband and nonlinear IR-VIS applications.

  • Step attenuation for infrared and THz beams

    Multi-step attenuators handle beam powers up to 300 W c.w. while faithfully maintaining polarization and pulse dispersion.

  • Defined polarization for CO2 laser beams

    A proprietary LASNIX design enables a near perfectly transmitting linear polarizer with 40 db rejection.

  • Compact sensing of infrared beam power and polarization

    A proprietary LASNIX development of a very fast power sensor up to 50 W is offered for OEM monitoring or process control. Combined with attenuation and a rotating polarizer the polarization sensor offers a compact solution to determine the polarization status (orientation, ellipticity, circularity) of even very strong beams up to 3 kW c.w.

  • Compact Infrared Spectrometers

    A permanently aligned, lamellar-mirror FT-IR spectrometer of minimal footprint, for monitoring infrared beam spectra over a record broad spectral region 1 - 70 µm, with reduced response even including the VIS and THz regions.